The AMEP MSc. degree program
& experimental physics in the Amsterdam area.

What is AMEP?
The two-year track Advanced Matter and Energy Physics in the MSc. Degree programme Physics and Astronomy, a joint degree with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, is among the best experimental physics programmes in the world. It offers you challenging courses and research opportunities in hot topics in laboratories around the world and prepares you for an exciting career in research.
Who is AMEP?

The lecturers involved in the AMEP MSc. Degree programme are researchers from a number of different institutes in the Amsterdam area. These are the three UvA clusters Quantum Gases & Quantum information, Quantum Materials and Soft Matter; the VU LaserLaB with the groups Quantum Metrology and Laser Applications and Photoconversion Materials; NWO institutes AMOLF and ARCNL and QuSoft. Together these institutes offer projects on a wide range of different topics.
The master program
The two-year master track Advanced Matter and Energy Physics gives you a solid understanding of quantum gasses, soft condensed matter and hard condensed matter physics. Using state-of-the-art equipment and under the supervision of top-ranked physicists you are invited to research the topic of your interest. The programme consists of compulsory courses, restricted-choice and free elective courses. The second year is devoted to a research project in one of the participating research groups.
Research projects

Looking for a MSc. project in experimental physics in the Amsterdam area? Check out our research project page. Here you’ll find offers on projects at all levels of your career from the affiliated institutes. These projects will be regularly updated. Contact the supervisor for more details.
AMEP Introduction
Programme overview
AMEP seminars
Every few weeks we organise a lunch seminar. The program can be found on the AMEP Seminars page. The meetings are open to all students, but the level is aimed at 3rd year BSc./1st year Msc. students. The meeting starts with a 20 minute scientific talk, followed by a short overview of the associated research groups and potential research projects. Projects are also announced on our insta and twitter feeds!
The early days

AMEP started in 2010 when Mark Golden organised the first experimental physics MSc. degree track at the University of Amsterdam. The lecturers where from the three research clusters that comprise the van der Waals-Zeeman institute: Soft Condensed Matter, Hard Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases & Quantum Information. Incidentally, the start of AMEP marked the move of experimental physics to the new building at Amsterdam Science Park. AMEP is currently associated with more than 50 research groups in the Amsterdam area.