About the class of 2023

● Name: Hsiu Min Wu
● Educational Background: Liberal Arts & Science degree (with honours)
○ Amsterdam University College
○ Joint UvA-VU degree
○ Bachelor of Sciences
● Why AMEP: I wanted to study the physics of things around us, like pollen in water or the flow of Honey. AMEP offers one the chance to do so while training its students to be able to utilize their studies for their future careers.
● Role in AMEP team: Secretary & Technician.

● Name: Kian Goeloe
● Educational Background:
○ BSc. Engineering Physics – Fontys University of Applied Sciences
● Why AMEP: Eager for knowledge, I was searching for a master that provides both the theoretical and the experimental side of physics. After many presentations and seminar’s of several masters available in The Netherlands, AMEP was the best fit!
● Role in AMEP team: Website and Pictures

● Name: Nella Diepeveen
● Educational Background:
○ Bachelor Physics and Astronomy (Joint degree University of Amsterdam & Vrije Universiteit)
● Why AMEP: It gives me the chance to study and test fundamental physics while also applying this to research that can be useful to society in the future.
● Role in AMEP team: Vice-chair

● Name: Bas Gerritsen
● Educational Background:
○ Bachelor Physics and Astronomy (Joint degree University of Amsterdam & Vrije Universiteit)
● Why AMEP: During the final year of my bachelor degree, I had the opportunity to work in the labs of Prof. dr. Schreck, where my love for experimental (atomic) physics was truly cemented. During my masters degree, I wanted to keep learning about, and working on systems like atomic clocks, atom lasers and quantum computers. The AMEP master focusses on experimental soft-matter, condensed matter and atomic physics and was definitely the right choice for me!
● Role in AMEP team: Chief technical officer 😉

● Name: Giorgos Markas
● Educational Background:
○ BSc. in Physics in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
● Why AMEP: The reason I chose AMEP is because I want to learn more about new materials and aspects of physics that could contribute to solving the Energy issue.
● Role in AMEP team: Website and contacts

● Name: Nelson Ritsema
● Educational Background:
○ Natural & Social Sciences with a Major in Physics. Slavonic Languages and Culture: Russian. (UvA)
● Why AMEP: I have the ambition to contribute to the energy transition to renewable energy, but still looking for fundamental knowledge and a challenge. Therefore I chose AMEP!
● Role in AMEP team: CEO 😛

● Name: Abhijay Khatri
● Educational Background:
○ BSc. Applied Physics – University of Washington, Seattle
● Why AMEP: I wanted to study how light could be used to solve the problem of producing clean energy. AMEP offers me the chance to learn, experiment and develop low powered electronic devices.
● Role in AMEP team: Poster Design

● Name: Scott Wolzak
● Educational Background:
○ Bachelor Physics and Astronomy (Joint degree University of Amsterdam & Vrije Universiteit)
● Why AMEP: After an amazing bachelor project experience in the ultracold atoms lab at the UvA, I decided to choose the AMEP master track, since it provides excellent theoretical background as well as fundamentals for experimental physics. 
● Role in AMEP team:

● Name: Evelien Wooning
● Educational Background:
○ BSc Physics and Astronomy UvA/VU + minor art history UvA, minor sociology UU, física UCM (Erasmus Exchange), Applied Physics TU Delft
● Why AMEP: I find it important to learn about materials and energy in order to contribute to the energy transition, and I also liked the courses on thermal and statistical physics in the bachelor. Furthermore, I like that the AMEP master is quite small and I enjoy the cooperative aspect of experimental physics.
● Role in AMEP team: President