The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva seeks to answer fundamental questions about elementary particles and our universe. Protons or heavy ions are collided at nearly the speed of light to study the tiniest building blocks of nature. To increase the amount of data taken by the LHC experiments in the future, many more collisions per second will take place after a planned upgrade of the LHC. To handle such collision rates, experiments will not only have to determine particle hits in space but also in time, leading to 4D tracking. New detectors are being developed and studied at Nikhef that are capable of a timing precision of tens of picoseconds. You will determine the performance of these novel detectors in the Nikhef laboratories using advanced laser instrumentation and perhaps even at beam test facilities at CERN or DESY. You will be part of the Nikhef Detector R&D group and can become a member of an international collaboration of one of the LHC experiments. For projects in this group and in other groups at Nikhef, see the website.