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Name Umut Can Akdeniz
Background Bachelor in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit
Why AMEP I was initially interested in pursuing a theoretical master’s track because the idea of doing physics experiments didn’t seem very enjoyable. However, when I worked on my bachelor’s thesis at ARCNL, where I conducted many experiments, I found them to be surprisingly fun. This experience sparked my interest in doing more physics experiments. Additionally, I want to learn more about condensed matter physics, and the AMEP master’s program offers me the opportunity to explore both areas.
Name Enrique Arroyo Moro
Background After studying a BSc in Physics at the University of Granada, I did an Erasmus Internship in Amsterdam and fell in love with the city. Studying at the University of Amsterdam appeared to be an exceptional opportunity.
Why AMEP During my bachelor’s degree, I discovered that my interests lie in a combination of theoretical and experimental physics. Since my final degree project focused on studying nanomaterials, the AMEP track at UvA was a perfect fit for my academic career.

Name Kevin-Lee Bieshaar
Background Bachelor in the medical natural sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Why AMEP The choice to study AMEP was an easy one to make, if you want to study experimental physics in Amsterdam the best place to go is the UvA. During my bachelor’ internship I found out that I wanted to focus more on physics to get a deeper understanding of what was happening in the laserlab. Combining the master with my other interests has proven a challenge, but that makes it worth it! .
Name Omar Ben Yaklaf
Background Bsc Technische Natuurkunde at the Technical University of Delft
Why AMEP I like physics, I like to apply it and AMEP seems the most applicable of all the tracks.

Name Anezka Bos
Background BSc Artificial Intelligence and pre-masters Physics and Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam
Why AMEP In choosing my masters, I wanted to find the balance between doing something that I enjoy, and doing something that makes a positive impact on the world. AMEP offers the opportunity to research renewable energy across many different technical backgrounds, so that I can combine my love for physics with solving current sustainability problems.
Name Marte Bouma
Background BSc Physics and Astronomy at UvA/VU
Why AMEP During my bachelor’s I found that experimental physics really motivates me to dive into the theory behind it. I’m also increasingly interested in the regions where physics overlaps with other fields, such as chemistry. AMEP offers all of the above, as well as generally very broad possibilities, so I felt it would be the right fit.

Name Floor van Emmerik
Background Before starting the master I followed the BSc Physics and Astronomy & BA English Language and Culture.
Why AMEP During my bachelors I went on exchange to the University of Copenhagen, where I for the first time took courses on condensed matter and laser physics. That inspired me to do my final project at ARCNL/AMOLF where I was allowed to work experimentally in the lab, in connection to theory. This all established my interest in material and energy physics, or, AMEP!
Name Tijmen Groot
Background Bachelor in Physics at the University of Amsterdam
Why AMEP Because the program here focuses on the topics I worked on during my Bachelor project which I really enjoyed.

Name Tomás Gutiérrez Gaete
Background Astronomy bachelors at University of Leiden
Why AMEP I have always been interested and curious about everything. After my bachelor in astronomy-the study of the very big-I became curious about the study of the very small. In addition, I wanted to gain more hands-on experience in a lab, performing experiments.
Name Stéphanie Issa
Background Bachelor in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit (joint degree)
Why AMEP During my bachelor I found out that I enjoyed topics such as electricity and magnetism, statistical physics and quantum mechanics which are the topics mostly focussed on in the AMEP track. I also didn’t know yet if I wanted to go into more experimental or theoretical physics. With AMEP, you have the opportunity to explore both directions, which attracted me even more to the track.

Name Luuk Michels
Background Bèta-gamma (Natural and Social Sciences) major in Physics at the University of Amsterdam
Why AMEP I really enjoyed working in a cold atom laser lab during my bachelor’s thesis because of the practical approach to physics. From that point on, I decided that I wanted to do more lab work and experimental research. To pursue this, AMEP provides the perfect opportunity due to its experimental approach to fundamental physics.
Name Christian Mirone
Background Physics and Astronomy at University of Amsterdam
Why AMEP I’m trying to make a portal to get back to Peach and AMEP offered a great combination between the theory and experiments on how to make it. When I get back to the Mushroom Kingdom, I’d like to apply the knowledge I’ve gathered at AMEP to help improve/create new technologies for the energy transition since Bowser has been polluting the air a lot lately and it’s been getting really hot these past few years.

Milan Michels Milan Michels
Background BSc Bèta-Gamma, major Physics
Why AMEP Honestly, I didn’t think that much about it but the mandatory courses seemed fun and there were a lot of elective courses. I also liked the combination of theoretical physics and experimental so it just looked like a good fit. And it is. People here are fun too.
Name Nikodemas Numavicius
Background B.A. Middlebury College with a Major in Physics
Why AMEP To explore theories, experiments, and applications of physics.

Name Amy Oppong
Background Bachelor Physics and Astronomy at University of Amsterdam
Why AMEP The thing that really drew me to AMEP was the curriculum! I really like the fact that you can alternate between more theoretical and experimental courses so that you can easily discover what you prefer the most. That and the fact that I discovered that I’m very interested in materials science.
Name Dyon Plomp
Background BSc Physics and Astronomy at the UvA and VU
Why AMEP During my bachelor’s, I followed some courses that covered condensed matter, which got me really interested in this area of physics. AMEP offers a range of courses that align perfectly with these interests and would allow me to explore this area further. p>

Name Alejandra Cadarso Quevedo
Background Bachelor in Science at Amsterdam University College.
Why AMEP I decided to study material physics because it takes the fundamental laws of physics and applies them to real-world systems that you can see and experiment with. I love how it brings abstract ideas to life through hands-on experiences and visible results.
Name Deniz Sağlam
Background BSc Natuur- en Sterrenkunde at the UvA / VU
Why AMEP I realized during my bachelor’s that I really liked doing experimental physics. I was considering going to TU Delft for the experimental physics program, but I think I prefer to have a balance between theory and experiment. I thought I could best find that at AMEP. The courses here also aligned nicely with the subjects I enjoyed during the bachelor’s, like condensed matter.

Name Hannah van Sterkenburg
Background Bachelor Beta-Gamma – major physics at the University of Amsterdam
Why AMEP After doing a more applied bachelor’s project, I realized that while I enjoy the theoretical side a lot, it is important to me to find more of a balance between the theoretical and the applied side of physics. With AMEP, I feel like I can really get a good mix of both, especially because there are so many electives. I also appreciate that the AMEP track covers a wide range of subjects, many of which interest me.
Name Yuxiao Sun
Background Bachelor of Science in Physics at Beijing Normal University
Why AMEP I want to combine the theoretical knowledge with the experiments about the properties of solids. Besides, the direction of Advanced Matter and Energy is close to the development of the next generation of new materials.

Name Thomas Timmerman
Background I followed the Bèta-Gamma bachelor with a major in physics at the University of Amsterdam. After some consideration, I decided to double down on the physics route so now you see my little text here.
Why AMEP My interests are quite literally all over the place, ranging from theory to applied to even the more socially oriented side of Physics. In the future, I also really don’t see myself sitting behind a desk all day, so one of my main aims was to find a master track that fits in that perspective while also covering a wide range of interests. AMEP seemed like a good mix of the things I was looking for and that’s why I chose to follow this track.
Name Tommaso Vedovello
Background I did my bachelor in Physics in Milano. Even though my elective courses were mainly theoretical, somehow I ended up working 6 months as research assistant in an ultracold molecules lab at the university of Firenze. I loved it! I am very clean and a sociable person. Let me know if you have a room for me!
Why AMEP After the experience in Firenze I really wanted to continue my studies in order to pursue a research oriented path. I would like to proceed in the ultracold matter field and AMEP offers a wide range of courses and many top level labs for the master thesis project. No wait, really, I am so damn clean and sociable, give me a room, please.

Name Elisa Wenzel
Background I did a BSc in Physics at the University of Stuttgart and a research internship in Canada.
Why AMEP I can learn about fundamental quantum phenomena and see their fascinating applications in experiments. I loved working in a cold atom lab during my bachelor’s and wanted to continue with practical research. The variety of topics and great freedom of choice in AMEP also allows me to explore energy-related subjects that suit my interest in sustainability.
Name Shiduo Xu
Background Bachelor of Science in Physics , Renmin University of China
Why AMEP This is my first time in Europe, and I really enjoy the diverse cultures here. Similarly, AMEP program offers a wide variety of options, allowing me to explore what truly interests me and devote greater ambition towards it…

Name Mingyang Yue
Background I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Wuhan University and completed one year as a research assistant at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. My previous research focused primarily on the electronic transport behavior and magnetic properties of strongly correlated systems under extreme conditions.
Why AMEP AMEP offers me the opportunity to deepen my understanding of cutting-edge theories and explore diverse experimental techniques. I am eager to utilize the resources at AMEP to investigate the band structure and quasiparticle excitation of strongly correlated systems through spectroscopic experiments, as well as explore topological order resulting from symmetry breaking.
Name Ruth Zwemer
Background The interdisciplinary bachelor Bèta-Gamma with a major in Physics at the University of Amsterdam.
Why AMEP I really enjoyed majoring in physics and I especially enjoyed the condensed matter course. After doing my bachelor research project on this topic in the AMSTEL ARPES lab, I was convinced (thanks to Mark Golden) that I wanted to do the AMEP master, which is on the line between theory and experiment. This combination is what I really like.